gay couple celebrating pride with pride flag

Boston has no shortage of venues, 事件, local hotspots celebrating and welcoming the LGBTQ+ community. 从著名的夜总会到电影节,再到音乐表演和健身工作室, Boston’s LGBTQ+ culture packs a punch with a line-up of fun, queer places to go and things to do in the city.

If you’re planning a queer group trip, 事件, or gathering in Boston, 波士顿包租巴士公司可以带你安全游览城市 private group transportation service. We’ll pair you with the best type of charter bus 对于你的小组, 无论您是需要一个小巴或班车为一个小团队或一个全尺寸的汽车客车为一个大团体. 无论您的旅行需求如何,我们都将确保您以LGBTQ+为中心的旅行顺利进行.

LGBTQ+ Nightlife Venues & 事件

从每月一次的夜总会收购到变装皇后表演,波士顿的酷儿夜生活堪称传奇. If your favorite crowd of folks is ready to dress up, pile on the glitter, hit the city streets in style, 租一辆包车,从日落到日出,去这些受欢迎的地方庆祝LGBTQ+的生活.

drag queen posing with two disco balls


Located in Boston’s historic (and historically queer) South End, 俱乐部咖啡馆 is where you’ll want to go 为 great food, 更好的饮料, a never-ending lineup of LGBTQ+ parties and 事件. Check the calendar 为 queer brunch, 宾戈游戏, 喜剧节目, Drag Race Thursdays, where RuPaul super fans rally to watch, 喝, shamelessly judge live TV viewings of the show. If you need to shake that thing, DJ-led dance parties are hosted every Thursday, 星期五, 星期六晚上.

Address: 209 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA 02116

电话: 617-536-0966


这个著名的LGBTQ+出没的地方是波士顿自称最古老的同性恋酒吧和变装皇后卡巴莱, well-worth planning an entire night around visiting. 租一间 private shuttle 为 a bachelor(ette) party and go to one of their famous drag shows, like Miss-Leading女士 星期六或 抢走了星期天! 每个星期天晚上.

Address: 79 Broadway St, Boston, MA 02116

电话: 617-426-8902


这家悠闲的现场音乐酒吧位于波士顿的牙买加平原附近,在LGBTQ+社区以周四晚上的queerok而闻名, a karaoke night much-loved by the ladies, one of the longest-running LGBTQ+ 事件 in the city. 一周中的其他任何一天,都可以聚集在波士顿的乐队进行现场音乐表演.

Address: 3496 Washington St, Boston, MA 02130

电话: (617) 524-9038


Hosted by Boston’s popular gay promoter and 事件 producer, 同性恋黑手党波士顿, 这个每月的变装奇观通常是由保罗的变装比赛获胜者, 星星, competitors like Trixie Mattell, 卡蒂亚, Plastique Tiara. It takes place on particular 星期天 (like Halloween 2021), tickets include entry to the afterparty at 热混乱!, one of Boston’s other most notable LGBTQ+ nightlife 事件. Check GayMafiaBoston.有关下一届龙马拉松何时举行以及如何购票的最新信息.


Address: 279 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02116

电话: 617-338-7699

热混乱! 星期天

每个星期天, dj们为跳舞皇后(变装皇后)和LGBTQ+夜生活鉴赏家播放酷儿歌曲. 热混乱! (由波士顿同性恋黑手党主办)经常出现在波士顿的Candibar, 这两个房间, 色彩斑斓的, 以及位于皇家波士顿夜生活中心的高科技夜总会. Keep an eye out 为 special “热混乱! XL”的活动可能会波及到建筑群中的另外两家夜总会:Royale和Legacy.


Address: 275 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02116

电话: 617-350-8772


Wednesday through Sunday, 波士顿同性恋黑手党和遗产在这个受欢迎的LGBTQ+夜总会举办了一场不同的以酷儿为中心的活动. 如果你想和当地的变装明星或保罗的变装皇后擦肩而过, book tickets 为 Serve! 周四,重点是现场变装表演和可选的见面 & 迎接门票. More interested in dancing your butt off? Hit the dance floor at Bussdown 星期五s.

Address: 79 Warren St, Boston, MA 02116

Queer-Owned Businesses, Restaurants & 视频群聊

Maybe cage dancers and strobe lights aren’t your scene? 别担心. 波士顿到处都是节奏各异的LGBTQ+社区热点, so you’re bound to find a welcoming space to match your speed. 以下是一些值得一试的酷儿聚集地:

lesbian couple holding hands at a coffee shop

Dorchester Brewing Company

如果你在这里,酷儿,想喝啤酒,哦,我们为你准备了一个LGBTQ+热点. Listed as one of our best breweries in Boston, 同性恋拥有的多切斯特酿造公司是一个社区中心,位于波士顿南端和多切斯特的尖端. 租一辆包车,带你的团队来他们的酒吧参加一个酷儿活动, like Hump Day Trivia and Wicked Retro Game Night, 或者预定他们的私人场地,在他们的Hopservatory举办“跳”派对, their rooftop greenhouse open year-round.

Address: 1250 Massachusetts Ave, Boston, MA 02125

电话: (617) 514-0900


这个酷儿拥有的健身工作室在一个安全和欢迎的空间里为每个人(和每个人)提供授权和有趣的钢管舞健身课程. 虽然镀金工作室在COVID-19大流行期间不接受私人聚会, they typically rent their studio space 为 private rehearsals, 研讨会, 和类. In the future, you can rent a private charter bus 并计划一个有趣的,酷儿的单身派对,团队建设经验,或生日派对在这里.

Address: 540 Tremont Suite 6, ​Boston, MA, 02116

电话: 617-903-7653


如果你是 sports fan in Boston with a queer eye 为 where to watch the game, look no further. 大教堂站是一个同性恋运动酒吧和社区酒吧在南端红袜队, 爱国者, 棕熊, 凯尔特人的球迷可以聚集在一起对着电视屏幕大喊大叫,享受酒吧的欢迎, LGBTQ+-friendly atmosphere. On the next big game day in Boston, transport sports fans 还有狂热的球迷来参加私人派对在他们的酒吧里为你最喜欢的球队加油, 用餐区, 或者户外露台.

Address: 1222 Washington St, Boston, MA 02118

电话: 617-338-6060


酷儿开的迪塞尔咖啡馆是喝拿铁的好地方, 司康饼, queer eye candy just north of Boston in Somerville. LGBTQ+ couples and singles alike flock here to get caffeinated, share a Monkey Wrench sandwich (an addictive medley of turkey, 鳄梨, 黄瓜, 汤姆斯, dijonnaise, greens on focaccia), play a round of pool, enjoy an easy day together. This cafe is so well-loved that they even host a blog called 柴油爱情故事 致力于社区关于家庭、友谊、初次约会和寻找安全空间的故事.

Address: 257 Elm St, Somerville, MA 02144

电话: (617) 629-8717

波士顿LGBTQ+艺术 & 文化事件

用最好的LGBQT+来庆祝酷儿群体的才华和创造力 arts and culture in Boston. As of writing (September 2021), 由于持续的COVID-19大流行,许多制作被推迟或虚拟, 但是,注册一份时事通讯或查看任何这些令人惊叹的组织的活动日历,以保持联系,并计划下一次现场的私人团体旅行, in-person show that strikes your attention.

group of lgbt people celebrating pride

The Theater Offensive

这个表演艺术公司致力于呈现解放艺术, 为, about queer and trans people of color. TTO制作了一系列独特的表演,展示了各种艺术表现形式, 从独幕剧和诗歌朗诵到密宗研讨会和化妆教程. 表演者, 剧团, 目前,合奏团正在通过在线流媒体向观众展示, 但请回到他们2022年的活动日历,计划未来的现场表演团体旅行.

Address: Office Location, 551 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02116

电话: (617) 661-1600

Boston’s Gay Men’s Chorus

Since their founding in 1982, 由200人组成的波士顿男同性恋合唱团为波士顿带来了无与伦比的音乐体验, 新英格兰, 及以后. After a 30-month hiatus during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, 他们计划在2022年6月LGBTQ+骄傲月期间重返舞台 Disney PRIDE in Concert. 计划租一辆买球推荐软件app排名,前往波士顿交响音乐厅,听BGMC演唱重新构思的迪士尼最爱,灵感来自标志性音乐剧,比如 小美人鱼, Mary Poppins, 狮子王.

Disney PRIDE in Concert – JUNE 2022

Address: Boston Symphony Hall, 301 Massachusetts Ave, Boston, MA 02116

电话: BGMC Box Office, 617-542-7464


成立于1984年, 邪恶酷儿(以前被称为波士顿LGBT电影节)是该市首屈一指的LGBTQ+电影和电影展示. In 2021, 邪恶的酷儿通过ArtsEmerson虚拟影院和The Brattlite放映了他们的第37版数字版, a virtual cinema through The Brattle Theatre, 但在过去几年里, films were screened in-person at major art hotspots in the city. 请保持联系,了解第38版将于2022年在何时何地首映,这样你就可以租一辆包车,安全地前往美术博物馆亲自观看, Institute of Contemporary Art, or Emerson College’s Paramount Theatre.

邪恶的酷儿 2022 – TBD

Address: 955 Massachusetts Avenue, No. 361, Cambridge, MA 02139


Book Private, Safe Group Transportation in Boston

boston skyline at sunset

Ready to start planning your next LGBTQ+ group outing in Boston? Call Boston Charter Bus Company at (617) 314-7577 to book premium, private group transportation in the city. 我们将让您安全、舒适、准时地往返于大波士顿地区的任何地方.